Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding take a toll on women’s bodies. Many moms from Roseville, Folsom, and throughout Northern California dedicate themselves to diet and exercise regimens to regain their pre-pregnancy shapes and succeed in many ways. They are healthy and fit, yet they often get frustrated because they can’t shed stretched abdomen skin or tighten stretched abdominal muscles, and their breasts remain saggy and, in many cases, smaller than before they had children.

If this sounds something like you, it could be time to consider a Mommy Makeover. In Sacramento and Granite Bay, CA, Dr. Wayne Yamahata specializes in both breast and body contouring procedures. A Mommy Makeover combines multiple surgeries such as a breast lift (sometimes with augmentation) with a tummy tuck and, if needed, liposuction.

Mommy Makeover
 Before & After Photos


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Who is eligible for a Mommy Makeover?

Contrary to its name, you don’t have to be a mommy to undergo a Mommy Makeover. The procedure typically includes a combination of breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction. It is appropriate for any woman whose body has changed as a result of weight loss or aging, as well as pregnancy. During your consultation, Dr. Yamahata will talk to you about your concerns and perform a physical examination to help you choose the combination of procedures that is likely to give you the results you want.

How much does a Mommy Makeover cost in Sacramento & Granite Bay?  

Each Mommy Makeover is unique, and the cost will depend on the combination of procedures chosen and other factors. Dr. Yamahata will provide a detailed price quote after your consultation. However, for a starting price, please visit our Pricing page

Dr. Yamahata offers financing options to make Mommy Makeover procedures fit into the budgets of all his patients.

What is included in a Mommy Makeover?

Many women with children tend to put off taking care of their own needs. But pursuing a desire to get that pre-pregnancy body back can have both physical and emotional benefits. Most women feel more confident and have renewed energy after a Mommy Makeover.

Woman in white bikini with mommy makeover procedures listed as breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction

Although a Mommy Makeover is typically the combination of breast lift surgery (with or without breast implants) and a tummy tuck, it’s not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Patients can customize the procedure to fit their needs. Dr. Yamahata will discuss your options at your consultation. The benefits of a Mommy Makeover may include one or more of the following:

  • Lifting breasts that sag after breastfeeding
  • Raising nipples that point downward
  • Providing balance between breasts
  • Removing loose, wrinkled skin and stretch marks
  • Flattening a tummy bulge
  • Rejoining separated abdominal muscles
  • Reshaping the belly button
  • Improving the appearance of a C-section scar
Doctor Wayne Yamahata, MD

Meet Dr. Yamahata

A board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Yamahata has the skill and experience necessary to provide attractive results that look natural.

Meet The Doctor

What are the benefits of combining procedures?

For the majority of patients, it’s simply more practical to undergo multiple surgeries at once instead of separately. The combined approach saves time, as a single recuperation period means less time away from work and other daily activities. A combined procedure also often costs less than multiple individual procedures, because expenses such as operating room and surgical fees only need to be paid once. Many women also find it satisfying to see their results all at once for a transformative effect.

About Mommy Makeover Surgery

Because multiple procedures are done during a single operation, Dr. Yamahata performs Mommy Makeover surgery using general anesthesia in a local hospital for optimal safety and comfort. The surgery may take up to 6 hours to complete, depending on the amount of correction you need. During the breast lift surgery, Dr. Yamahata removes excess tissue and stretched skin, reshapes and repositions the nipples and areolas if desired, and then lifts and sculpts the breasts. If your pregnancy and breastfeeding resulted in volume loss, this could be remedied with the addition of breast implants.

The complete tummy tuck involves an incision that runs from hip to hip, low enough to be concealed by underwear or a swimsuit. There is usually a second incision that circles the belly button. The abdominal muscles are tightened, and excess skin and fat deposits are removed. Drains are inserted to prevent the buildup of fluid for about the first week.

“The surgery went flawlessly. Dr. Yamahata did an excellent, fabulous, superb job! I am so happy and thrilled with my new body. I was referred and I will refer Dr. Yamahata.”*

*Your results may vary.

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Sacramento Magazine’s annual list honors medical professionals from the Sacramento area in their respective fields — and Dr. Yamahata is among them.

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Mommy Makeover Recovery

One of the benefits of combining procedures into a single surgery is the need for only one recovery period. That’s especially important to moms who have multiple demands on their time. Even though you are undergoing more than one procedure, that doesn’t necessarily mean your recovery time will be much longer.

Recovery Timeline

Recovery varies widely with the specifics of the surgery and individual healing rates. A Mommy Makeover that includes breast enhancement and a tummy tuck typically follows this general recovery timeline:

  • Day of surgery: Return home or spend one night in the hospital. Begin slow, gentle walking multiple times a day.
  • Days 5 to 7: Pain medication and muscle relaxants are no longer needed. Drains and stitches are removed.
  • 10+ days: Return to work and nonstrenuous activities.
  • 1 to 2 weeks: Easier to stand upright.
  • 3 to 6 weeks: No longer need to wear compression garments and surgical bra.
  • 2+ months: Resume strenuous exercise and activities.
  • 3 to 5 months: Begin seeing improved shape as swelling resolves.
  • 9 to 12 months: Scars flatten and fade. Final results become visible.

One of the most important things to remember about recovering from Mommy Makeover surgery is to have a reliable support system in place to care for your children. For Mommy Makeover recovery tips, review this blog post.

Mommy Makeover Surgery Results

The results of Mommy Makeover surgery can last indefinitely, although exact timelines can vary based on the specifics of the procedure and the patient. To enjoy your new body for as long as possible, Dr. Yamahata advises against significant weight fluctuations and pregnancy, as they can alter your results.

Mommy Makeover FAQ

How safe is a Mommy Makeover?

The safety and well-being of his patients are Dr. Yamahata’s top priorities, and he performs Mommy Makeover procedures in his own certified surgery center or a local hospital for maximum safety. Although the safety of the surgery is well-documented,1 Dr. Yamahata evaluates each patient on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the procedure is likely to be successful. In some cases, Dr. Yamahata may recommend a staged Mommy Makeover instead of a single procedure because the surgery does take longer when procedures are combined.

What can I do to improve my experience after surgery?

It’s important to carefully follow Dr. Yamahata’s instructions for a successful, smooth recuperation after Mommy Makeover surgery. If you have small children at home, it can be difficult to adjust to focusing on yourself as you heal. To help ease this transition, Dr. Yamahata advises enlisting a trusted friend or family member to lend a hand during your recuperation. For about a week, you’ll likely need help preparing meals, maintaining your home, and caring for your children. A strong personal support system can make a world of difference after surgery.

Is a Mommy Makeover worth it?

With proper planning and expectations before surgery, Mommy Makeovers are very rewarding for patients. Recovery is more involved with multiple procedures, but going through it just once is a significant benefit to patients who want to rejuvenate their breasts and body.

How long after surgery will I see my final results?

Final results take about 9 months to a year to attain; however, most patients can see improvement in their abdominal area around 3 months after surgery and even earlier in their breasts.

Will my clothes really fit better after a Mommy Makeover?

Yes! Without loose skin and bulging abdominal muscles, dresses, pants, and swimsuits fit better. Many women lose 2 to 3 dress sizes. You will likely fill out your tops better as well and be motivated to try more fitted or revealing styles.

Will fat come back after a Mommy Makeover?

Fat cells removed with liposuction do not grow back. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and don’t have another baby, you will likely maintain your slimmer contours indefinitely.

Your Next Step

Dr. Yamahata understands that planning a Mommy Makeover can seem daunting. He’s looking forward to answering your questions one-on-one during your consultation. When you’re ready, request a consultation with Dr. Yamahata using our online form. You may also call the office directly in Sacramento at (916) 929-1833 or Granite Bay at (916) 773-5559.

1 Matarasso A, Smith DM, Strategies for Aesthetic Reshaping of the Postpartum Patient, Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Aug;136(2):245-57. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001410.
